The meaning of life in 8 words...

Know Christ. Know Life. No Christ. No life.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

FIJI 08 - the Epilogue...Part 1...Keeping it Simple...

Well it has been 2 weeks back from Fiji 08 absolutely amazing experience...a life changing experience for me and my family. An experience never to be forgotten...yet I come to understand and except that it has been an experience never to be re-visited either...for His mercies are new every morning.
There are so many things I want share...more of the miracles and healings and salvations that took place. More of the lives that were changed by the strong hand of Almighty God.But right now I will share a bit of how my life has been changed as I cannot speak for anyone else...

I recall a comment made by Tyler, a member of Team USA about what this trip to Fiji has taught him...and I quote "they (i.e. the Fijians) are simply REAL with God. And He in turn is simply REAL with them. There is no theological mumbo-jumbo, just REAL sincerity". REAL people.Facing REAL problems.Knowing that there is a REAL God. Able to meet their REAL needs. Simply put, I have experienced the attitude of "simply being REAL with God, and He in turn is REAL with them."And that is so true...

I know I mentioned it in an earlier post that we were on the receiving side of things as well. Even though we went to give them the gospel and also clothing and food, for me personally I think I received something more priceless than the physical gifts. Something that cannot be bought. Something that so easily is forgotten in the comforts, intellect, and theological debates of this life - something that I would easily give up my "life" here to go back to Fiji...

And that something is the simple rawness of a genuinely greatful heart. So precious. To me...and I am not even God...How much more to Him...?

I saw this demonstrated in the lives of people over and over and over again - Fijian natives, Indo-Fijians, the old, the young, the men, the women, the children, the young people, those who just got saved, and those who have been saved for some time...a real genuineness.

I recall this meeting we were at in Sabeto, 3pm June 22 2008. There was a small group of believers who had gathered together on the veranda of a particular family. A small veranda. With themselves, their Hindi bible, Hindi songbook and that was all. Nothing else. No musicians. No elaborate pulpit. Nothing fancy.
I do not know Hindi. I do not know the content of their prayers. But I know what it means to be feeling that you are standing on Holy Ground...Their prayers were SINCERE. GENUINE. A RAW EXPRESSION of a heart that is still in awe of a God who gave His only Son to die the most barbaric, inhumane, shameful, humiliating, painful, blood-leaking way possible. For our sins. My sins. That nailed Him to the cross. They have still not gotten "used to" this. Their salvation still has the same meaning as it did on day 1. You didn't have to understand Hindi to know they were really thanking God for who He is and what He alone can do. You could feel it. You could see it. The tears was not for show. But genuince sincerity. Tangible expression of their gratitude. Being REAL with a REAL God in a REAL way. And did God answer? Yes He did - in ways completely beyond our addition to the 60+ souls that gave their lives to Jesus in 4 nites, there were healings and deliverances from a lady being set from Shiva, through to witchcraft curses being broken, through to chronic eyesight deterioration being restored, through to severe hearing deficiencies being healed, through to scabies rashes completely disappearing amongst so many other things...

There is something about being REAL with God. Many people did not have much material possession, if anything in some circumstances. There were some people who were financially secure - like the old man in Sabeto that owns the power station and properties in Nadi. Although being a King-pin in the community in Hinduism, this man came to the realisation that He was indeed a sinner in need of a Saviour. A Saviour that can only be Alive. A Saviour only found in Jesus Christ. But both the rich and the poor I noticed did not have all the theological understandings that are so easily accessible here in Australia. Nothing really. But they have what really matters....
...Complacency has not set in. Superficiality is unheard off.

An attitude of "If that is what God says, then let's do it!" Why? Why this state of complete beliefe? I think it stems for a heart of complete gratitude.

A heart that has not forgotten the cross. A heart that is still in awe of God's goodness and love demostrated on the cross. Love never expressed before. Love never expressed afterwards. A heart that although accepts the sacrifice Jesus made for our salvation, still feels contrite to know that it was me who put Jesus there. A deep sense of gratitude.

And then with the dawning that death could not keep its hold over Jesus. That He is alive. That the tomb, with its big rock, Pontius Pilate's seal and the Roman soldiers could not keep Jesus in the grave. But He is Alive! ALIVE! This gives way to exuberant thankfulness. And combined with a sincerely greatful heart of gratitude, together this produces FAITH. REAL FAITH. EXPECTANT FAITH. The REAL stuff. The stuff that matters. The stuff that God is looking for. Not for show. Not because they were coerced into it. Not because it is the "right" thing to say or do. Not because someone tells them to do it. Not because it is the "Christian" thing to say or do. None of that. Simply because they REALLY believed.

As I said earlier - No superficiality. Jus the real deal. With a REAL God. Who REALLY wants to meet our REAL needs...

If Jesus Christ -THE Son of God. THE Messiah. THE Name above all Names. The Blessed Redeemer. Immanuel. THE Rescue for Sinners. THE Ransom from Heaven. THE Lord of All. (words adapted from Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin & Daniel Carson). Could take my place on a dirty, rough, splinter-producing cross. With large rough metal triangular shaped spikes hammered through His wrists and feet. With His face completely ripped off His face. If He Jesus Christ with His sharp thorny crown and back completely bare from the whipping. With spine exposed. With kidneys lacerated. Who would have had His inner organs ripped apart from the sword that plunged into the sac around His heart gushing out blood and water. If He Jesus Christ could go through the most blood-leaking death possible. And still arise up from the dead and have this huge boulder roll away for Him, then shouldn't I give Him credit where it is due...?
That regardless of the situation, and what seems like happening, and who seems to be happening...if He is in my boat, isn't He all I need? I know this concept is nothing new to many of us, yet I have fully come to understand how this concept as "a way of life" really works.

All that I have is from Him.
And all of my succession are because of Him.
So is there any real reason to worry in times of need? No...

I am full of expectant sincere faith. Nothing superficial. Nothing artificial. No fake fur. But the real deal.

I hope you feel inspired too.


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